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VHDL code for 4 bit Gray to Binary converter

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

entity bejoy_g2b is
port(g:in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);

b:inout std_logic_vector(3 downto 0));
end bejoy_g2b;

architecture a of bejoy_g2b is

b(2)<=b(3) xor g(2);
b(1)<=b(2) xor g(1);
b(0)<=b(1) xor g(0);
end a;


  1. thanks a lot brother

  2. u have posted general programs & what i want to suggest u is create the combination of projects for designing a particular project.
    eg: If we want to design a digital calculator, how can we approach to design it.

    like that if u design ,it will be useful to u a lot & also to others like me....

    please take it as +ve way.

  3. Hey im also electr. And comm. Engg.will u help me somthing in study plz .im in 2nd yr.frm india

  4. thank you ;)
    can u use FOR loop after b(3)<=g(3) statement??

  5. can you give the test bench of the programe


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