library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity master_slave_jk is
port(j,k,clk:in std_logic;q1,q1x,z1x:inout std_logic;
q2,q2x,z2x: inout std_logic);
end master_slave_jk;
architecture arc of master_slave_jk is
if clk='1' then
z1x<=(j and (not q2)) or ((not k)and q2);
q1<=z1x after 5 ns;
q1x<=not z1x after 5ns;
z2x<=(q1 and (not q2)) or ((not q1x)and q2);
q2<=z2x after 5 ns;
q2x<=not z2x after 5ns;
end if;
end process;
end arc;

can u dig it
ReplyDeletesir it will become much easier to understand the code if you could show the intermediate signals such as z1x,q1x etc in the circuit diagram.
ReplyDeletegive details as to what is z1, z2, q1, q2
ReplyDeletenice one